On the threshold of the broken doorway, his wife threw a harsh glare at the wounded city beyond.
At its core, the dispute is a clash between visions of how to revive a wounded city.
Continue winning and, in some way, they would help the healing process in a wounded city.
For all that has happened since 1989, Berlin is a profoundly wounded city, and its wounds still show.
While the ceremonies may have helped ease the sorrow, it will take this wounded city a long time to heal.
She spread her hands to indicate the wounded city.
I wondered how many hundreds or thousands of us there were, all racing across the continent in rental cars toward the wounded city.
Judith has come to this wounded city because "I wanted to see a place where reconciliation is possible."
He was one of the black politicians who emerged after the 1967 riots to lead the wounded city.
The news seemed to drain whatever energy remained from the wounded city.