Still and silent, he watched the dark form wrapped in loose clothes, squatted on one knee, watching the Sister.
The forms were wrapped in bark-colored loose clothes so they would blend in with the surrounding country.
We'll wrap him in swaddling clothes and play with his toes, if that's what you think we need.
The neighbors wrapped her in warm clothes, took her in and called 911.
Wrapped in dusty white traveling clothes, Dhartha looked pleased with himself.
I got the baby and tried to wrap it in clothes.
However, wrapping the patient in wet towels or clothes can actually act as insulation and increase the body temperature.
The butcher knife, wrapped in bloody clothes, had probably been buried in a flower bed.
The women, like Ariel, wrapped in clothes like banners from a triumphant campaign now forgotten.
Oh, you're not the only person, they arrive often through the post, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and with all manner of letters.