But there seemed to be no one out on this wretched night.
And, after having made this melancholy discovery, he passed the most wretched night imaginable.
Not on such a wretched night as this.
It was a wretched wet night, and very mild.
He spent a wretched night walking the docks asking, pleading for any kind of passage to England.
We had passed a wretched night, with a strong northeast wind, a rough sea, and perpetual rain.
She spent a wretched night and went on duty looking far from her best, and feeling even worse.
During this wretched night there seemed nothing wanting to complete the perfect misery of our condition.
Fortunately the spot was better adapted to our purpose than the one in which we had passed the last wretched night.
"Nothing more than a night, hungry and wretched, to consider your horrid fate."