His clothes, wrinkled and worn, looked like they'd been bought at the Salvation Army.
Maybe you won't need to turn the hotel bathroom into a steam room to deal with wrinkled clothes.
I pulled on my wrinkled clothes as best I could and wandered out into the house itself.
At some point in your vacation, you will get tired of wrinkled clothes and room service.
She looked fifty easy, what with the puffy eyes and the wrinkled clothes, but a change of wardrobe could fix the one.
She thought how handsome he looked, even with stubble on his chin and rather wrinkled clothes.
"I couldn't come downstairs in my wrinkled clothes, could I?"
She got dressed slowly in wrinkled clothes out of her suitcase and thought about what to do with the night.
She looked at Melanie's wrinkled clothes and disheveled hair but took them in stride.
A thin man of my own age and height in wrinkled black clothes stood in the corridor.