All customers are welcome to write to Companies House in Welsh.
Shore wrote House as a character with parallels to Sherlock Holmes-both are drug users, aloof, and largely friendless.
I wouldn't have written "House of Sand and Fog" if I hadn't fallen in love with Marjan.
Stead once said she had written "House of All Nations" in six weeks.
Konner began as a television writer, writing for the shows Little House on the Prairie, Family and Remington Steele.
He wrote his first play, "House of Regrets," in his teens; it opened in London to glowing reviews when he was 21.
"It would be easy to capitalize on a certain technique and just write 'American Buffalo' and 'House of Games' again. "
You are welcome to write to Companies House in Welsh and, if we need to write back, our response will be in Welsh.
He and long time writing partner, Dan Harmon, wrote the feature film Monster House based on a pitch they had originally made in 1998.
Nin was under the analysis of Otto Rank during the period of writing House of Incest.