When she moved to a secretarial college, we wrote daily.
Saturday night's last performance was followed by a frantic 'get out' to make way for the next show, tear-filled goodbyes and promises to write daily.
She writes daily in her journal, a tattered notebook that she carries everywhere.
For a period he wrote to her almost daily, and he sculpted a bust of her.
Long, who had met Shore before the films, served essentially as his personal copy editor for the sheet music he wrote daily for new scenes.
At The Times we'd all be writing 10,000 words daily if only some editor could recognize art.
His mother writes daily, and he writes back.
"Must I daily write parchments for everyone's benefit but my own, only to lie awake by night to your vile gloating?"
Nevertheless, he continues to write daily, but his letters are held and never mailed.
He still continues to write daily in his blog website.