"How safe they are on dry land, those academic painters with their trompe l'oeil of nature," Gauguin wrote dismissively in 1888.
Arnobius writes dismissively of dreams in his surviving book, so perhaps Jerome was projecting his own respect for the content of dreams.
With a failed sense of absurdity, Ms. Howe writes dismissively of mental disorders and sketchily of otherwise troubled people.
Certainly Dayes did not appreciate his pupil's talent, and he was to write dismissively of Girtin after his death.
Hindustan," he wrote dismissively, "is a country that has few pleasures to recommend it.
"Not known for breakthrough creative," the trade publication Adweek wrote dismissively.
Pollack writes dismissively, as if Iranians should have quickly forgotten and forgiven this American-assisted coup that installed the brutal quarter-century dictatorship of the shah.
Journalists in Canadian cities write dismissively of "farm crisis fatigue," and openly suggest that some of western Canada's farmland should be returned to wilderness.
Brown wrote dismissively of them in his 1986 autobiography, claiming that though "they were a good stage act, [they] couldn't really sing all that good."
"Oh, well, perhaps it's all part of the game," he writes dismissively.