He, in turn, wrote to his publisher expressing appreciation for the dedication, "the greatest compliment ever received in life."
After three friends and I had a bad experience at a concert sponsored by a local radio station, I wrote expressing our discontent.
I immediately wrote to Spector expressing my sympathies for his predicament, but received no reply.
I urge anyone who reads this article and feels as I do, to email or write to the Council expressing your views.
Many later wrote expressing thanks.
Many wrote back expressing their anger and sorrow at the lack of services for their children.
Readers wrote back expressing why they wanted to read about the experience of maternal anger.
The chairman of the Juniper Green Village Association will write expressing our objections.
If so, will you please write to the European Court of Justice expressing our concern over this issue.
A note he wrote to Griesinger in 1822 expressing his appreciation is preserved.