Twain wrote glowingly about unions in the riverboating industry in Life on the Mississippi, which was read in union halls decades later.
However, he commended their decision and wrote glowingly of the Mills capability to fulfill the assignment.
By early 1906 Leavitt felt so confident of his mission that he wrote glowingly of the church's reinvigorated finances and activist social program.
He wrote glowingly of the gallantry displayed by the Dublin Fusiliers and the other troops that were present during the ambush.
John Stoddart visited in 1800 on his tour of Scotland and wrote glowingly of the estate as a creation of art.
Grenada Anthony Trollope, who visited in 1859, wrote glowingly of Grenada.
(Donald Judd wrote glowingly about them and bought a few pieces for his own collection.)
The papers glowingly wrote about his "great inner fierceness," his "uncanny ability to actually fly across the pitch."
Publishers Weekly and Library Journal, on the other hand, found it entertaining and wrote glowingly of Hill's ability to narrate a good story.
After an encounter with journalist Johnny Moyes, who wrote glowingly about O'Reilly's skills.