He has written 14 books in total, including books about vegetarianism and animal rights.
But he also wrote for children, including books like "What Makes Popcorn Pop?"
She wrote several textbooks throughout her lifetime, including books on history and geography.
He wrote for magazines, including The Nation, and published books on science for the general public.
She has written six books teaching her method, including books for college, high school and middle school.
Rinuccini wrote also a number of works, including books on philosophy, rhetoric, history and geography.
He has written more than fifty books, including books for deaf and blind children.
It is said he wrote more than one hundred and fifty books in all, including books and booklets, most of them remaining unpublished.
He has written 118 books so far (by the end of February 2007), including fantasy novels and life-guiding books.
She wrote a number of other works in her career, including a biography of Tallyrand and books on travel.