Eph asked me to write his family later, Henry.
"Billy still writes my family, and he is truly a changed man."
Each day she felt more affection for him; she wanted to write and tell her family how content she was with her husband.
"I could write my family," she said after a little thought.
He's written many things about me and my family at your direction.
"Our public security system is the product of a dictatorship," Mr. Qin wrote his family when he was on death row.
He must still write his family, and, on the morrow, finish another set of patrol reports.
Nucky behaves coldly towards Jimmy, criticizing him for never writing his family.
And you mustn't forget to write Gawain's family and make it clear we support them against all pretenders.
In 1874, Charlie died and Robert began writing Marie's family.