"The kids wrote individual prayers or poems for the family, and we did a collective holiday greeting," the teacher said.
Le Clercq adapted those symbols to writing prayers, developing new symbols as necessary.
People who could not read or write also often commissioned scholars to write prayers which they would burn at temple shrines.
Following the colloquy, she wrote several poems and prayers in verse for Catholic leaders.
He looked around and saw broken bits of old brick littering the ground, apparently left here to serve the faithful who wished to write prayers.
Bahá'u'lláh wrote many books, tablets and prayers, of which only a fraction have been translated into English.
She wrote several prayers and religious poems.
Why haven't we the right to write new prayers, new literature?
Many of the great English saints were devoted to Mary and wrote prayers about her.
Elisabeth also wrote numerous hymns and prayers, some of which are included in: