In addition to his scholarly, non-fiction writing, Yalom has produced a number of novels and also experimented with writing techniques.
Khalili wrote books on his architectural philosophy & techniques as well as translations of poetry from Rumi, the poet he considered instrumental in his design inspiration.
Browse writing tips, tricks and techniques and get an insight from established authors.
A strategy that helped Miss Munden, now a 20-year-old junior, was the college's free six-week freshman summer program enabling her to hone her mathematics and writing techniques.
Seen in the light of this self-contempt, Mr. Capote's insistence on combining all writing techniques in a single work has a somewhat spurious ring.
She credits her teacher, Marilyn Frasca at The Evergreen State College, with teaching her these creativity and writing techniques.
Year in and year out, the fundamental things apply in movies - writing, directing, acting, illusion-making techniques - and the 75th annual Oscars still have only two dozen categories.
He had been present, since 1990, in Hooshang Golshiri's classes and then sessions, which, allegedly, were effective in his learning of writing techniques.
He has also practiced extensively constrained writing techniques, having been often compared with the French writers of Oulipo (including Georges Perec, who was translated by Foarță himself).
It describes the various sub-genres, writing techniques, and what is entailed with authoring such a piece.