Having thought it all over attentively, I am now writing with the purpose of fulfilling that promise.
Some talented man had written the speech, with the purpose of getting just the right points across.
Mr. Cuomo also is writing a book by the same name and with the same purpose.
But then, most history books do as they are written with the purpose to persuade and prove a hypothesis.
There are tales written with the specific purpose of passing history itself on from one generation to the next.
It is not written with the purpose of being intelligible or any other purpose.
Smith states that his novels are written with the purpose of promoting libertarianism.
Both works were written with the purpose of attacking culteranismo.
It seems as if the novel was written with the sole purpose of winning the Booker Prize.
The music is quite uncharacteristic of the mature Elgar, but written with the clear purpose that the group had something new to play regularly.