An admirer of Velemir Khlebnikov, Vvedensky sought apprenticeships with writers connected to Russian Futurism.
Because of this, writers, agents and others connected to "The West Wing" generally declined to speak publicly.
Schrodl gives a list of writers connected with Kremsmünster from the eleventh to the 16th centuries, and of their literary labours.
The New England Brahmins were a group of writers connected to Harvard University and its seat in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
William Gibson with his novel Neuromancer (1984) is likely the most famous writer connected with the term cyberpunk.
He had chosen to give to the school of his city La Garenne colombes the name of a writer connected with the far right wing (anti-Semite and xenophobe).
John Wade (1788-1875), author, born in 1788, was an industrious writer connected with the press throughout his career.
Apart from its political and foreign correspondents, Arbetaren has also published many high-profile Swedish writers, not necessarily connected to syndicalism.
His format was imitated by several writers connected with the Lake School.
City Of Crime (1997, short stories by writers connected with Nottingham)