Only a fearless writer would dare hold up Nick Clegg as an icon.
Trying to entertain using the subject of boredom is a risky challenge few writers would dare take up in an increasingly market-oriented publishing industry.
Though she sticks to facts, they're often facts that few writers of supposedly serious fiction would dare to touch except under pseudonym.
And very rarely a writer dares to build a novel around a character who embraces the evils of her historical context.
Because of his later reputation, few writers, even today, dare question Waters' motives.
To the I connoisseur of such matters it was plain that the writer I knew more than he dared print.
Find what's waiting in that dark place only the writer dares go.
Political cartoons have since earned a special niche in Mexico, where cartoonists often express what writers and broadcasters would never dare say.
No writer would dare complain about a runaway success.
Dreaming of Charity Only a French writer would dare to publish his dreams.