In this country, writer after fine writer has emerged.
The writers can emerge for only 90 minutes a day and must record on time cards the reason for their absence (laundry, bathroom, snacks).
Co-producer & writer of various Sugababes tracks, emerging electronic musician.
Around this time, younger writers emerged.
The reader and the writer emerge from the between the lines and begin to assert themselves as personalities.
Indeed, schools like Burleigh do not seem to be the sort of places from which writers emerge.
Forty-five minutes, a dozen tarot cards and a scan of his astrological chart later, the writer emerged from his first visit a happy man.
Few distinctive writers emerged from the magazine, though over the years many contributed to it.
Varley is generally considered to have been one of the two or three most important writers to emerge in the 1970s.
In addition to these imigres new British born writers are emerging.