Does the group's melancholy mirror his own loneliness, or does a writer on the road identify with a bunch of rascal artists?
The writer did not identify himself in the letter nor in several conversations with a reporter, citing fears of retribution.
The writer of the later text identifies himself as a former slave.
Many writers, including computer scientist Bill Joy, have identified clusters of technologies that they consider critical to humanity's future.
The writer then identifies the book as coming "from the right brain of the party that has dominated American politics since 1980."
It's as if all the writers sat around a room, identified the best lines of tonight's episode and then decided to give them all to Santana.
Subsequent writers of history and fiction alike often identified vanity as the sole motivation for Báthory's crimes.
Some of her adventures occur in London, others in strange realms which later writers might identify as magical dimensions.
But most writers do not simply identify apocatastasis with universal reconciliation.
A Marxist writer would probably identify this group as the first stirrings of a black petit bourgeoisie.