It also seems that Morgan, like Steinbeck and the other writers mentioned above, couldn't get past the limitations of the story's foregone conclusion.
This kind of criticism has been made by the writers mentioned above, and has also been amplified by Rowbotham et al.
Artist and writers mentioned are only those officially credited: unnamed studio collaborators are not listed here.
Perhaps, but Grade is the writer most often mentioned by critics of Singer as the superior candidate for the Nobel Prize.
Nearly all the writers mentioned above introduced have tried to introduce laughter in their work.
The earlier writers mentioned above had then nearly all disappeared, and a more brilliant set took their place.
He is perhaps the same person as the writer mentioned by Diodorus, a historian who mentioned Semiramis.
"Some of the writers mentioned as founding members are clean, some are dirty - and the dirty ones are very dirty."
The Tinasky identification involved more direct detective work, with the crucial step involving computer searches for works written about writers mentioned in the Tinasky letters.