His writings, often in semi-novelistic form, emphasize that everything originated with one "Nitabō".
Steiner's writing, though appreciative of all religions and cultural developments, emphasizes Western tradition as having evolved to meet contemporary needs.
These writings emphasized the importance and practice of self-awareness.
His writings emphasize that the loose versus tight conditions of a game are a strong driving force in evaluating a situation.
His writings emphasise the psychological significance of legal ideas.
His writing in the period emphasized relating major political philosophy themes to empirical aspects of American society and government.
His later philosophical writings emphasize humanism, rationality, and the ideals of the Enlightenment.
The writing in these early episodes emphasizes Ally's messed-up romantic history and the possibility that she's forgotten how to trust her own ability to love.
While early writings emphasized psychosexual causes, later ones stressed psychosocial factors.
Her writings emphasize methods of healing and techniques for the development of mental powers.