In fact the writings span a period of many years.
His writings span a wide range of genres and subjects including: animals, martyrdom, politics, violence, religious satire and comics.
Further, as the writing of the Taltos novels has spanned over two decades, they have been influenced by events in Brust's own life.
Duyker's writings span a diverse range of subjects and disciplines.
His holistic teaching and writings span across various schools of thought, although not creating his own brand of astrology.
The writings span hundreds of years, family lineage, geography, social class and writing style - yet share a common set of values.
Although her writings spanned much of the twentieth century, many were unpublished.
His writings span both ecclesiastical, theological, numismatic topics, often disseminated by his historical forgeries.
Gordon's writings span over thirty years and include the following books:
The writing of Roa Bastos spans four countries, six decades, and countless genres.