Harvard officials were not pleased when they found out, but there was no written policy that covered the use of this computer.
Most companies have no written policy on workplace romance.
They've said, with some embarrassment, that their formal written policy about what exactly this means won't be ready by May 25.
In the case of smoking at work, a written policy shows how you are meeting your legal responsibilities.
As a minimum, you should have a written environmental policy with action points and key performance indicators listed.
You must also keep a written policy that covers your supply chain controls.
But the Senate report said there was no written policy against such news conferences and cited several instances when they had been held in 1980's.
The leadership level means the hotel has a written environmental policy in place and meets all the criteria for the program.
The job-sharing idea was so well received, she added, that it subsequently became written policy.
The fact is the written policies of all the banks are you're indemnified.