The types of problems that can arise during localization involve differences in how written text appears in different languages.
Whole world maps according to Strabo are reconstructions from his written text.
There is no written text, if that's what you mean.
Each speech-recognition engine provider had to determine how to convert written text into sounds.
This means both oral and written text which can be used to improve the linguistic command of the pupils and also develop their communicative skills.
The emotional climax of the story is when he sees written text for the first time in months and can hear words in his head again.
The sect lacks any written text, which helps account for the tall tale aspect of explaining its tenets.
Here's an example that highlights some of the fundamental differences between written text and a graphic representation.
He rarely uses any written text in his cartoons, but relies on caricatures of politicians for the message be self-explanatory.
Indeed, he believes the pictures presented in this study of Dutch cultural history are just as valuable as his written text.