"We are not confident any of the methods used today can guarantee legal voters will not be wrongfully denied the right to vote", Lee told a group of Atlanta-area black lawmakers in March 2001.
The executors - a nephew and two nieces of Miss Smith - have filed a civil suit in Federal District Court in Brooklyn contending that they were wrongfully denied a demolition permit.
A cruise line went to the commission to complain that the port had wrongfully denied a berth to one of its ships.
Much of her time is spent assisting those who she believes have been wrongfully denied benefits.
She would then collect between $15,575 and $420,822, depending on the amount of pay she was wrongfully denied.
Proponents say many of these immigrants were wrongfully denied amnesty under an earlier law when the Immigration and Naturalization Service bungled their claims.
If doctors have to wait for insurance approval, and that approval is wrongfully denied or delayed, these doctors can't do their jobs.
The decision, written by Chief Judge Judith S. Kaye, grouped two suits finding that local communities had wrongfully denied land-use permits to developers.
Lewis is the next man Mike Tyson must fight, a New Jersey judge ruled, because he had been wrongfully denied a shot at the World Boxing Council title.
Parents can recover expert witness fees only when they prevail, and the school system has been found, after an impartial hearing, to have wrongfully denied a child an appropriate education as defined in IDEA.