Accordingly, when A.J.A. was removed from Chile in violation of Mr. Abbott's ne exeat right, the child was "wrongfully removed" within the meaning of the Hague Convention.
Effective April 1, 2008, parents in Convention countries whose children have been wrongfully removed to the United States-or wrongfully retained in the United States-should file an application for return or access with our office.
The State Department says that it is separately seeking the return of hundreds of other children wrongfully removed from the United States.
Under the Hague Convention, a child who has been wrongfully removed from a parent may be returned to his or her place of habitual residence.
Feeling that he was wrongfully removed from his rightful throne, he intends to become Avatar once again.
I believe the public are entitled to have these charges and the true facts reviewed by parliamentary committee -before I am wrongfully removed from office-and to have all aspects of the matter brought out and considered.
If your child has been wrongfully removed from the United States , you should contact the State Department's Office of Children's Issues immediately at (202)312-9700.
This way, people can check to make sure that they are still on the rolls within six months of the next election and seek to have their names restored if they were wrongfully removed.
Once the door has been 'unlocked,' he submits the court should be obliged to consider whether it is appropriate in all the circumstances to decline to order the return of the children to the country from which they have been wrongfully removed.
The Convention limits the defenses against return of a wrongfully removed or retained child.