To the Editor: Your Jan. 24 news article on falling tuition prices at many colleges wrongly suggests that tuition cuts will benefit most students.
Third, Ms. Blair wrongly suggests that Federal funding is not needed to assist battered women because private charities adequately meet the need.
Some American officials wrongly suggest that American influence in Europe depends on the size of the American presence there.
The articles wrongly suggest that the majority of radiology professionals are not doing a good job in mammography.
South's one no-trump response to his partner's double showed his strength and distribution accurately but wrongly suggested a club stopper.
McGowan was under pressure, and made a takeout double which wrongly suggested that she held some spade length.
The point of antitrust laws is not, as some of the Government's statements and remedies may wrongly suggest, to give a specific competitor a helping hand.
But on the other hand, the name South Lusitanian is inconvenient, as it may wrongly suggest a relation with the Lusitanian language.
This analogy is potentially confusing since it wrongly suggests that the big bang took place at the center of the balloon.
Press reports wrongly suggest that most beneficiaries of rent control are rich.