But this quirky new Fox drama, with traces of wry comedy, sometimes tries so hard to be clever that it turns silly.
The wry comedy was a great hit on Broadway, in the movies, and as a classic among regional and local theater groups.
Lives may have cracked asunder, but wry comedy leavens the tale.
The play, billed as a wry and rueful comedy, had its first engagement in London in 1990.
The film's portrayal of casual adultery as innocent recreation was an idea whose time had come, so this is a romantic comedy, wry and charming.
Instead, this is a wry anecdotal comedy better defined by its polish than by punk trappings.
The film is most known for its witty dialogues and wry comedy between its lead actors.
It's a compliment - both men are known for their modest, wry, angst-y comedies.
Yes, a wry black comedy that is refreshingly unexpected.
Their general tone is of light comedy - wry, debonair and not seldom self-deflating.