There's a wryly funny scene early on in which Mr. Charles, as the senior doctor, breaks the news of the cancer to Vivian.
There are no soulful allusions here to love that dares not speak its name, in a wryly funny performance by John Maynard and Eric Diamond.
In conversations over Saratoga water between reels, Barbara Bush was the savviest pol; George was easygoing, wryly funny and open.
Meant to be wryly funny, the film seems preachy and dry.
She was wryly funny.
The tales display a Gifford rarely on view: hard-partying, profane, wryly funny, self-deprecating.
Coll is an energetic, imaginative writer, and her sendups of the dichotomy between one's ivory-tower principles and daily life are wryly funny.
A significant part of a performance by Legg is the wryly funny storytelling patter he uses between songs.
Malcolm Muggeridge said, "This is an exceptionally brilliant first novel - exciting, wryly funny and perceptive."
Rea Tajiri's script is wryly funny.