There are several world heritage sites such as Lamu, and world renowned beaches such as Kilifi where international yachting competitions are held each year.
The Louis Vuitton Cup is a yachting competition connected with the America's Cup.
Racing Close to Land But Jobson points out that the Liberty Cup match races, which will run Sept. 16-20, differ from almost all other yachting competitions.
A few years following the pioneers' graduation in 1987, the school celebrated the victory of one of its students in a yachting competition at the Olympics.
The yachting competition will be held off Pusan, a port city about 200 miles south of Seoul.
But in a yachting competition, racing chicanery often creates daring moves on the straightaway, and logjams rounding the marks.
The ELYC regularly hosts national and international yachting competitions.
America's Cup - an international yachting competition.
He was an ardent and adept sportsman into old age, and won many ski jumping and yachting competitions, including a 1928 Olympic gold medal for 5.5-meter-class sailboats.
His sketches and paintings of that yachting competition provide the definitive record of events in that benchmark season of sailing.