Nativity scenes are also a form of yard shrine.
Small outdoor yard shrines are found at the places of many peoples, following various religions, including historically, Christianity.
This aesthetic can be observed in the creation of yard shrines, graveyard sites, and in home decorating.
It is more commonly landscaped for display and is the usual place for display elements such as garden gnomes, plastic flamingos, and yard shrines such as "bathtub Madonnas".
This is the city's most elaborate religious yard shrine.
Griffith writes about the foods of the region, folk art, yard shrines, cascarones (decorated eggshells), religious practices, and the various musical traditions.
A yard shrine, whether called a nicho or a gruta, can be decorated in various ways.
Nichos are also constructed as part of yard shrines to house a favorite saint or La Virgen de Guadalupe or another Madonna.
The other talks are on restoring the city's public gardens (July 13) and Italian yard shrines and Puerto Rican casita gardens (July 27).
It is a common practice to make the sign of the cross or recite a short prayer when walking past a religious yard shrine.