About 2,800 conductors and rail yard workers walked off the job a week ago.
The yard workers concentrated mostly on the boilers, which were in serious need of attention.
Mark shouted to one of the yard workers who had just run up.
The information about the bankruptcy was a shock for the yard workers and subcontractors, which had suddenly lost their livelihood.
A yard worker sprinted across the field, cellular phone in hand.
Neither yard worker showed any enthusiasm for getting back on the pile.
All those materials had been stripped off the ships years ago by naval yard workers and sold on the black market.
Aside from the health of the yard workers, in recent years, ship breaking has also become an issue of major environmental concern.
Scanlan, one of the college's yard workers, killed it.
She sank within four minutes, taking 196 crewmen and yard workers, who were on board for the trials, to the bottom.