The "before" photographs brandished by the new owner show a yawning space with white walls and polished parquet floor.
Quickly, Myrna wheeled about, turning her light into a yawning space.
As they dropped farther into the subterranean foyer, the yawning space slowly emerged from the shadows.
But such cogitations absorbed her only briefly in the yawning space of hours she could not count.
The passage was open on their left to a wide, yawning space in the middle of the probe.
Now workmen were painting the outer wall of his office, which on Sunday night had been yawning space.
Twenty minutes later the corridor suddenly widened into a yawning space of rough-hewn yellow stone.
He unbolted it and looked into the yawning spaces of the north wing.
He took one step out onto the terrace, saw a section of the wall separate and fall, leaving a yawning space next to Alvirah.
She shone her light across the yawning space contained within these tiers.