Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
'Yea, such would give me, as you say, a foot in both camps.
'Yea, the People will be reborn into the new World we create for them.
'Yea, my lady,' Joan said in a small voice, still fearful of what was to follow.
After a brief hesitation, there came a great roar of 'Yea!'
'Yea, gentle creature,' he replied, opening his eyes and touching the side of her face.
'Yea, oh my God,' one of them replied, his voice squeaky with terror.
'Yea, he did fly upon the wings of the wind.'
'Yea, if it suited you,' Anne said with truth.
To which he answered sadly, 'Yea, I know it.
'Yea, I'd like to keep it - if it's possible.'
'Yea, that is the answer - a jest in very poor taste.'
'Yea, I'd like to get rid of them.
And he answered saying: 'Yea, Niniel is gone for ever.
'Yea, it was okay, I overslept a bit though, and missed my first lecture', she answered.
'Yea; thou art my dread lord the king, whom God preserve.'
In 2013 Bell voted 'Yea' on the following bills:
"At least, had the 'nay' been 'yea,' you must have gone alone.
"They cut out the people praying, 'Yea, though I walk through the valley,' " he said.
'Yea, I realize what you have in mind - it would be better to go without permission than to flout a refusal!'
'Yea, but not to get wild with the guy selling it because he might have had nothing to do with the theft.'
'Yea, they do it in Rio too.
The giant answered merrily, 'Yea, but one?
'Yea, most Holy,' the now terrified messenger replied.
We want to see and hear each 'yea' and 'nay.' "
'Yea, so I have heard others say,' said Elendil.