More than three years after agreeing to make the change, the managers of the Nasdaq market have asked to put it off until next year.
She has, of course, some years previously asked him why her surname is included in the company name.
A year or so later Fynch had learned the meaning of the insult and asked his sister about it.
Then, at 17, almost 18 years of age, a band asked me if I wanted to be the manager.
It would take a hundred years to ask all she wanted to know.
Two years of that, and she asked for a divorce, and would you believe I was startled?
Fifty years from now we shall ask for it.
Some years ago in Utica, a group of men asked me to give then an exhibition.
Seven years, and you don't even ask me how I've been.
Unless we try to do something, years from now our children and grandchildren will ask us: How could this happen?