But based on average spending per student, the extra year of schooling alone has cost the city more than $560 million.
A year of this "protection" would cost more than half the stock's value.
His three years with the Dodgers had cost him an estimated $30,000.
The first year costs $1.25 million and the second $1.45 million.
Four years of private college already cost more than anything most people will ever buy, except a home.
Every year that we wait to make the program solvent will cost us more.
But they do know that a year at Harvard now costs $17,100, or 1.51 times the average of private colleges.
It is hard to know what three lost years have cost Anna.
At this rate, even five years of war on terrorism would cost only $60 billion.
The minimum is $135, for three months; a full year costs $240.