On 9 March 1845 he was ordained a priest, and a year later graduated as a doctor of theology.
Each year about 25,000 undocumented students graduate from high school in California.
The school, open to any students who want to enter, requires four years of mathematics, a laboratory science and a foreign language to graduate.
With new students arriving every year and no class to graduate until 1999, that pressure will only mount in the immediate future.
He said many full-time students take extra years to graduate because lack of money often forces them to leave school temporarily.
In 1952, one year after the first class graduated, a gymnasium and auditorium were added to the building.
Two years before he had graduated from Lafayette College as a civil engineer.
Each year about 2,300 undergraduate and 600 postgraduate students graduate from the university.
Additionally, all students must have at least one year of Latin instruction to graduate.
In 1957, the year after the Shapiro brothers graduated, their father died and they took over the restaurant for the next five years.