No years are provided, so the following table simply lines the descendants up by generation.
Other more recent sources have also estimated the population to be at 100,000, although specific years for the figures are not provided.
Eight years of primary education were made compulsory and provided free.
In last 2 years about 2000 wards of deceased employees have been provided with jobs.
Seven years of accounting records were provided to The Times by an individual close to the company.
But last year, $2.4 million was provided to hire trained guards for 157 of the 623 elementary schools.
For each movie, title and year of release are provided in a separate dataset.
Only the year "1620" is provided, with no date.
Happily, in 2008 the full run to Santon was reinstated, and a further two years of these services were provided.
Ten thousand years in the future, Jenkins is provided with a new body so he can better serve the few remaining "websters".