Follow our three million year journey out of the treetops in Africa and around the world.
While in hibernation, Billy did not sleep, and was awake for the five hundred year journey.
So what is there to stop a robot making a thousand year journey undamaged?
Ahead of him lies a seven year journey to Italy.
He successfully completed it in November 2012 after a four year journey.
Sit back as you go on a five billion year journey through the evolution of life - all in twelve minutes!
In a three year journey between 1903 and 1906, Amundsen explored the passage with a crew of no more than six.
This relationship led him into a ten year journey to Africa.
Charlie was a beacon in funeral service, lighting the path along our 105 year journey, helping to bring us to where we are today.
His most dispiriting days on this two and a half year journey were those he spent passing through various American states.