He played his last three years of hockey with the team and put up his best numbers to date in the 1985-86 season.
He also played two years of professional hockey in Europe.
"For those of us who have played 16, 17 years of hockey, you feel like going back and getting some games in," Messier said.
After the 1976-77 season he began playing in Germany, where he would play another 11 years of professional hockey.
He played four years of hockey at Michigan from 1946-1949.
After one more year of junior hockey, Ludzik turned pro in 1981-82.
After graduation, he played four years of professional hockey in the Netherlands.
Harry was one of the great stars in the early years of professional hockey.
In all my years of hockey, I've never seen that happen.
He played four years of hockey at Michigan from 1946-1949 and broke the school's scoring record with 210 career points.