During its five year production run about 100 were sold.
Considered the rarest of all cougars since only 112 were ever made during its 2 year production.
This was the best first year's production in the history of the automobile industry up to that time.
Next year production will be cut from two plants to just one, in Atlanta.
More than 200,000 units were made around the world between 1959 and 1976, the year production of the 914 was stopped.
Only 1236 were produced in the 1991 single year production.
Its two year production made it the most expensive adventure travel series ever commissioned in Australia.
During its 10 year production the car underwent some changes, and three different series were produced.
As early as the following year production was stopped due to diminishing demand.
In the first two months of this year industrial production dropped by 29%.