January was the 28th consecutive month in which bankruptcy cases involving debts equivalent to £58,400 or more rose above year-ago levels.
Charter Power tumbled 10 to 18 after warning that its quarterly results would fall below year-ago levels.
Now, despite an increase in Federal and state taxes, prices are within 10 percent of the year-ago level.
Dealers had 172,000 F-series trucks on hand last month, down 100,000 vehicles from year-ago levels.
Both companies' losses "were substantially less than planned and significantly below year-ago levels," the companies said.
The number of animals being brought to market remains well below year-ago levels and projections for this quarter by the Agriculture Department.
One encouraging development: audience numbers for the series are up a bit from year-ago levels.
Revenues from its industrial systems operations were slightly below year-ago levels, the company said.
The April figure was also $45 million below the year-ago level.
But today's bond yields are far below year-ago levels.