"People are looking at the year-end statements and realizing that they were losing money in their 401(k)," he said.
My stepmother said, 'Let's wait for the year-end statement before we do anything.'
Today, federal agencies are completing their year-end financial statements, and I'm pleased to report that we have made significant progress on these fronts.
A spokesman for Chrysler said it would report the new way and then add more pages to its year-end statement to show the previous data.
WHY are so many tax-free bond fund investors receiving year-end statements reporting taxable gains and income in 1992?
Brokers noted that large investors were adjusting their accounts to provide "window dressing" for year-end statements.
Mr. Nicholson offers this advice: Make sure to save at least the year-end statements, which list all the transactions for that year.
In a year-end statement, Chief Justice Rehnquist said the pay increase was needed to attract "first-rate talent."
None of the returns were calculated in the year-end financial statement.
He said some of this buying reflected "window dressing" by portfolio managers eager to be seen holding winners in year-end statements.