The event gives students the opportunity to showcase their year-long projects to a group of practicing professional engineers, who represent diverse technology disciplines.
This year-long project serves as a graduation requirement and is a significant portion of each student's English grade.
I like to use the beginning of the year as a convenient starting point for a year-long project.
A year-long project that could be terminated in minutes with a shout and a chatter of automatic guns.
The year-long project, supported by a Federal grant, joined the knowledge base of gerontology with the professional practice of industrial design.
Students must complete either a self-generated year-long project or series of projects in their senior year.
DE 14 Truck was designated in 2008 following an $8.5 million, year-long project that improved the roads the truck route follows.
The four year-long project was produced at a budget of $1.8 million.
E.O. seniors must complete a year-long, self-directed "senior project," which is a requirement for graduation.
The MYP also requires students in years 9 and 10 to do a year-long personal project.