His mother, Janine, has taken a leave of absence to care for him and his year-old brother, Michael.
Next she danced with Danny, Jim's fifteen year-old brother.
Her father died when she was nearly four; her year-old brother became heir presumptive to the throne of France.
She had a nine year-old younger brother, Herzl, the youngest child in the family, and her mother, Frieda.
He disappeared several months before Saddam was born and shortly after, Saddam's only full brother, a 13 year-old brother died of cancer.
Verna's daughter Angel is caring for her little seven year-old brother, Bernie.
From a previous marriage of his mother, Anton has an older, 19 year-old brother, whom she left in Finland.
Thomas left a son John, who died in 1413 aged only 15, leaving his 10 year-old brother Theobald as heir.
He returned in 1948 with my mother and year-old brother.
Joey Grondowski, the 10 year-old younger brother of Josh, whose singing helped them to survive.