Some actuaries say the new yearly amount could be as high as $10 billion.
The yearly amount is 7 million tonnes.
Menu Money is a yearly budgeted amount each of Chicago's 50 wards receives for use on capital expenses.
These tables show yearly amounts of tax credits based on different amounts of income - but they don't cover every situation.
It's also the yearly amount that is wasted on invalid tax-credit payments.
The yearly amount of rain is about 1,900mm-2,600mm.
Ridership for Fiscal Year 2010 reached over 24 million riders, a yearly amount not experienced in Charlotte since the late 1940s.
Executives over age 65 in high policy-making positions who are entitled to a pension over a minimum yearly amount.
The monthly exempt amount is 1/12 of the yearly exempt amount for that year.
None of the beneficiaries has ever disputed the correctness of the calculations of the individual yearly amounts.