Arnold Weinstein, one of Mr. Falk's business managers, said the actor began to donate in 1980 and recently increased his yearly donation to $5,000.
It had also been receiving an undisclosed amount in yearly donations from the private sector, but $75,000 of that was also dropped due to the economy.
In the past decade, the institution has donated money to more than 1,500 charities, with an average total yearly donation of between 400 and 450 million Mexican pesos.
The association receives about 5 percent of its yearly donations from the drug industry.
Devotees offer funds towards the temple and some of them give yearly donations while some devotees register for longtime funds.
The movement claims hundreds of thousands of followers around the world and has said it takes in yearly donations on the order of $100 million.
The Larchmont Chronicle is a free newspaper to the community it serves, but a yearly donation of $25 may be paid.
He also chose the Center to be the repository for his papers including the yearly donation of a piece of art to his collection there.
Likewise, the initial batch of works has kept growing every year, thanks to Antoni and Teresa Tàpies' yearly donation of a new work.
And the foundation has agreed to resume a $25,000 yearly donation to the opera, said Peter Carwell, its executive director.