It admits upper-secondary students (mathayom 4-6, equivalent to grades 10-12) and has the largest yearly enrolment in the country.
The school serves as the only high school in Fairview Township, and has a yearly enrollment of approximately 550-600 students.
By 1987-1988 yearly enrollment had doubled to 100,000 students, passing 200,000 by 2001-2002 and 250,000 in 2009-2010.
Before his death in 1928, Ferris had trained 50,000 students and attained a yearly enrollment of 1,800.
The university has a total yearly enrollment of more than 4000 undergraduate and postgraduate students.
With an average yearly enrollment of 260 students in grades K-12, it is one of the smallest public school districts in the state.
It is a small school, with a yearly enrollment of 45-50 students, 7 full-time faculty members, and 3 part-time faculty members.
From that time on, the yearly enrolment reached around 180 interns and some 600 externs.
The prosperous days brought about by the rebuilding of the seminary increased the yearly enrolment to 180 interns and around 600 externs.
With a yearly enrolment of about 2000 business students.