Although it is still too early to celebrate a deal, under this proposal the schools chancellor could hire principals on contract, with yearly evaluations to help weed out those who fail.
For one thing, all 10,000 employees will receive a yearly evaluation and periodic reports to document performance that warrants praise or discipline, he said.
But the new agreement would replace that system with renewable three-year contracts and yearly evaluations for every principal, which would look at such measures as school test scores and attendance rates.
The plan under discussion would replace that system with renewable three-year contracts and yearly evaluations for every principal.
This week's yearly evaluation by the board of education offers what is on balance a favorable view of Dr. Crew's progress.
Along with their other requirements to remain in good ABA standing (continuing education, etc), maybe lawyers need a yearly psychological evaluation?
Despite the fact I had an excellent job elsewhere I returned to face the DOE hearing brought about by Mr. Reidy's unsatisfactory yearly evaluation of my work.
There is a yearly evaluation of every single official.
Mr. O'Rourke, who has given six such yearly evaluations since becoming County Executive, said that the era of "sustained and frenetic expansion is over."