In Dr. Mashberg's view, people who smoke and drink should have a yearly examination for oral cancer performed by a professional well versed in the problem.
"And meantime try to get the best place you can at the yearly examinations."
It also administers a yearly in-training examination administered for all residents enrolled in Canadian general surgery training programs free of charge.
He was a pioneer in following up patients with yearly medical examinations, and from this found that some tumors that had been considered malignant were in fact benign.
Twice yearly examinations introduced.
The school has a typical school day and year, traditional course offerings and twice yearly examinations that count for a third of the student's grade.
For the last 50 years, studies have questioned the need for healthy adults to undergo the ritual of a complete yearly physical examination.
The past has proven that the existing system which needs a casebycase, yearly examination of the more than 10 000 outstanding recovery files is impossible.
Everyone over the age of 40 is urged to get a yearly physical examination.
A Werkzeug participated in the Untersuchung, the yearly examination of every member in the Community.