Last year, with yearly expenses of $5.8 million, the society showed a deficit of $3.5 million.
At first, the hospital was not fully self sufficient, with the city often appropriating a sum of money towards its yearly expenses.
But Vanguard's yearly expenses are about half those at Price.
The company also said today that it expected to trim yearly expenses by $50 million as a result of several recent moves.
Even with $22,000 in yearly expenses, there is a $67,000 profit, before debts.
It instructed over 1,100 boys at a yearly expense of about $12,000.
The yearly expense, now $815 million, also is rising.
The center's yearly expenses are $1.4 million, Ms. Santomero said.
"The schools have yearly expenses of $1,500, and we raised nearly $8,000."
Average yearly expenses were estimated to be $50,000.